The Vietnam nationwide coverage created by Visicom includes:
- 331210 of Regional countrywide model;
- 3D models of 74 Vietnam cities;
- Population maps of all Vietnam;
- Population maps of all 74 cities;
- Geo-database with semantic infrastructure information: 314 532 POIs.
In order to complete the project and ensure the required accuracy it was bought over 95 stereo-pairs of satellite imageries with 0.3-0.5 m/pixel resolution. Accurate and reliable spatial orientation of them was made based on the set of 200 GCPs (Ground Control Points).
- Total area - 5053;
- Buildings quantity: 12,000,000;
- Roads network: 75 000 km;
- 2 m resolution of DTM, DSM, Clutter, Clutter heights;
- 2-3 m accuracy in all parameters.
The vegetation layers and their heights were captured using the recognition algorithms which are based on the artificial intelligence (AI), in particular neutral networks.
The geo-database might be used further across multiple industries where relevant and up-to-date information regarding the built-up territory is needed:
- Urban planning environmental management;
- Transportation;
- Risk mitigation;
- Emergency response;
- Infrastructure rollout, etc.
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